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TRIBUTES have been paid to a much-loved and long-serving Plymouth primary school teacher who has died after a battle with cancer at the age of 50. Susan Hargrove, a former teacher and governor at Goosewell Primary School, bravely fought the disease for nine years.

The school is inviting past pupils, friends and colleagues to a special event in her memory next month.

She started teaching at the infant school at the start of 1992 before its merger with the neighbouring junior school. She had many roles in school before she retired through ill-health four years ago. But the

school today said she was mainly remembered as an excellent Key Stage 1 teacher, much-loved and admired by teachers and colleagues.

A school spokesperson said: "Expecting others to achieve her own standard, made her the ideal Goosewell Governor when she gave up teaching. Susan bravely fought the battles of cancer for nine years, during which time she oozed inspiration, courage and an everlasting love of Goosewell's children and the ongoing development of our school."

The school said, as well as lending her general expertise, she spent hours with another retired colleague, researching and displaying the visual history of the school near the main entrance.

The school said: "Staff and their families have fond memories of Susan's kindness, friendship and incredible generosity of spirit. Losing such a wonderful colleague and friend is hard for us all and our thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends at this sad time."

Miss Hargrove, who had no children, leaves behind a partner and is survived by her parents.

To celebrate her life, the school is holding a commemorative, colourful event with tea and cakes, from 2pm to 4pm on Saturday July 4. Any past pupils, colleagues and friends are invited.








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